Young Adults
I understand that being a young adult can be a confusing time for many.
There can be a lot of expectations on you from family, friends, society and your workplace but most of all yourself. It is a time when you may be developing your career. When role identity and personal development is playing on your mind. Your relationships may be developing and becoming more serious. Or maybe you are feeling pressured to develop a more serious relationship with another person.
These pressures along with your developmental difficulties from childhood may develop into an internal struggle. added to this can come the complexity and confusion off working out who you are and what you really want from your life. All sorts of internal emotional conflict can arise as a result .
I appreciate that you may be working hard at getting on with your life, going to work, developing relationships, hanging out with your friends and yet something is missing and you may not know what. Maybe you have a racing mind and can't stop your thoughts or maybe you are feeling Anxious, Stressed, Depressed or just confused . Maybe you are tempted to turn to unhealthy behaviors in an attempt to ​self soothe yourself or you maybe pretending to those around you that everything is ok when you know that it really isn't. Whatever is happening for you I am here to help.
My role as a Counselor ​is to provide a space where you feel listened to and can work through your concerns in a safe and supported space. A place where together we can create your life in a way that feels right for you.
If somehow this resonates with you I would like to hear from you. Your journey is ​unique to you and I would love to hear about and assist you with it.
With respect
PH 0481 326 858 or go to the contact page and leave a message and I will contact you to make a time to meet.